Site Assessments

Phase I ESA

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A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is typically requested for a site involved in a property transaction or redevelopment. The purpose is to identify recognized environmental conditions through observation and research; we then provide valuable analysis and recommendations to our clients. Following the most current ASTM standards, InControl Technologies conducts over a hundred ESAs per year and our clients rely on us for comprehensive reporting in an efficient timeline. A typical Phase I ESA includes the following four basic tasks:

  • Task 1: Records Review
    • Research existing environmental and governmental databases and other data sites such as historical reports.
  • Task 2: Site Reconnaissance
    • Perform a site visit. Site access is coordinated and granted through our clients before we can complete any site reconnaissance on the subject property.
    • Utilize technologically advanced drones for large parcels of land operated by a licensed professional.
  • Task 3: Interviews with Government Agencies, Owners, and Prospective Buyers
    • Contact federal, state, and local governmental agencies such as fire, health, and emergency management departments for evidence of potential environmental issues on or adjacent to the subject property.
    • Issue a questionnaire interview to current and past owners or tenants familiar with the subject property’s operational history.
  • Task 4: Report Production
    • Summarize the information gathered in a comprehensive report.
    • Advise our client of the limitations to the Phase I ESA. Provide recommendations for any further investigation or managing potential environmental risks.

InControl Technologies’ licensed personnel operate highly advanced, technology-specific drones to obtain both aerial and close-range footage of large parcels of land. The increased use of drones in the site assessment arena assists in obtaining the complete picture of the subject property. Frequently hidden or disguised land usage is uncovered with this exclusive technology. It is highly advantageous to use drone technology during the site reconnaissance process; allowing InControl Technologies’ experts to have expanded coverage of the subject property.

Phase II ESA

A Phase II ESA may be performed independently or recommended based on the results of the Phase I ESA. The purpose of the Phase II ESA is to determine the significance of the identified recognized environmental condition. Generally, data are collected to satisfy the regulatory requirements of the TCEQ, Railroad Commission of Texas and/or US EPA. InControl’s project managers develop the final scope of work for the Phase II ESA. Staff and field geologists conduct the field work including, but not limited to, installation of soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells, and the collection of soil, groundwater, and/or surface water samples. Samples collected during the Phase II investigation are analyzed by a third-party, off-site NELAC accredited laboratory.

In a comprehensive, detailed report, InControl project managers summarize the identified areas of concern, the assessment approach, results of the site assessment, and conclusions. Recommendations for further investigation and/or response actions are included in the report and discussed with our client.

Risk Management

InControl Technologies has an established Risk Management program to assist property developers in managing environmental financial risks in their property acquisitions. Our goal is to provide our client with the necessary information to make investment decisions. We inform our clients about any transferrable environmental liabilities and discuss how to manage exposure to potential financial liabilities. Our Risk Management program is vital in the investigation process and allows our clients to make financially critical decisions throughout the entire project.

Wetland Assessments

The presence of a wetland or special aquatic site on or near a property can have a significant impact on site development. InControl Technologies offers a variety of services to assess and manage wetlands, ranging from providing a simple desktop review which evaluates the potential presence of wetlands to assisting with the preparation and submittal for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permits which impact waters of the United States. Infrared aerial photography and information from databases such as the National Wetland Inventory are used to identify potential wetlands within the project site. Our project managers consult with our clients and discuss available options for the development of their property if wetlands are identified.

If our client initiates further pursuit of a property with wetlands, we can perform a Wetland Delineation Assessment to determine the jurisdictional nature of any identified wetland or special aquatic site. The Wetland Delineation Report is required by the USACE or other applicable regulatory agencies if a permit is needed to fill or disturb jurisdictional wetlands and/or special aquatic sites. If the timing of the study and potential permit impact the schedule of the planned development of the property, InControl Technologies will work with our client to develop alternative strategies such as pursuing a phased approach to property development while the wetlands delineation study is conducted.